Nikolay and Michael discuss connections — the options, security and performance tradeoffs, and a few other things to be aware of.
Here are some links to some things they mentioned:
Here are some links to some things they mentioned:
- Episode on connection poolers https://postgres.fm/episodes/connection-poolers
- listen_addresses https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/runtime-config-connection.html#GUC-LISTEN-ADDRESSES
- SSLMODE Explained (blog post by Andrew Kane) https://ankane.org/postgres-sslmode-explained
- pg_hba.conf https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/auth-pg-hba-conf.html
- Timing a query (blog post by Bruce Momjian) https://momjian.us/main/blogs/pgblog/2012.html#June_6_2012
- How to connect (blog post by Lætitia Avrot) https://mydbanotebook.org/post/cant-connect/
- Improving Postgres Connection Scalability: Snapshots (blog post by Andres Freund) https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-database-for-postgresql/improving-postgres-connection-scalability-snapshots/ba-p/1806462
- idle_session_timeout https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/runtime-config-client.html#GUC-IDLE-SESSION-TIMEOUT
- Do you vacuum everyday? (talk by Hannu Krosing) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcRi8Z7rkPg
- Don’t use now() with pg_stat_activity (tweet by Nikolay) https://twitter.com/samokhvalov/status/1664981076014690304
What did you like or not like? What should we discuss next time? Let us know via a YouTube comment, on social media, or by commenting on our Google doc!
Postgres FM is brought to you by:
- Nikolay Samokhvalov, founder of Postgres.ai
- Michael Christofides, founder of pgMustard
With special thanks to:
- Jessie Draws for the amazing artwork